
Midwives are autonomous health care providers in bc

Midwives offer full-scope prenatal, antepartum and postpartum care


You can book in with a midwife without a referral from anyone. Just call or fill out an intake form! The best time to start with a midwife is as early as possible, although you can transfer care to a midwife at an time in your pregnancy.

We order and interpret all blood tests, ultrasounds and specialty tests necessary for your pregnancy, just the same as a family doctor. You will have access to the exact same services offered by GPs for pregnancy and if you need to see an OB, midwives arrange that referral directly. Even if your birth involves other health care professionals, midwives resume care postpartum, doing home visits for your check-ups for 6 weeks.

Midwives operate with the belief that continuity of care will foster an environment of trust and connection which will help optimize your experience.