Choices about how to feed your babies are deeply personal and are different for every family. For those who choose to breast feed their baby, they might find that it’s more challenging than they originally imagined. There are so many subtle factors that go into latching a baby, establishing a good milk supply and making breast feeding a long-term success.

There are countless benefits to breast feeding - too many to name here. It has long-term benefits for both mother and baby and is dose-dependent, which means the more breast milk a baby gets, the longer he or she will benefit throughout its lifetime. Its impact on growth and development cannot be overstated, and extends far beyond nutritional - from brain growth to motor skills to emotional bonding to speech - it’s a far-reaching gift that lasts for generations.

Amanda, in addition to being a midwife, is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), which is a globally recognized certification on breast feeding. This additional skill is embedded in the services she offers and many families have been able to achieve their goals thanks to her support. Even if you are in the care of another provider, Amanda offers consultations between birth and six weeks for any family. These visits are covered by MSP and can enhance the already high-quality postpartum support you are receiving from your doctor or midwife. Feel free to Book an Appointment to arrange for a breast feeding consultation if you feel you would benefit from it.